Let’s try again…
Same junk!
This version of Wordpress, as installed by Hostway, sucks mud!
That being the case, I won’t be updating it. (as you can see from the last years lack of activity.
Note that this was written in normal font, which was automagically converted to heading1 when saved. I have only ever been able to work-around this with the most strenuous effort and it’s just not worth it!
So this is the New Year.
Two Scotsmen were laughing about charging $40 dollars for enough toilet paper to clean your ass, down near the edge of ones property, above a small hollow. There had been a moment when One realized he owned where the Other was. The One thought about it and laughed. He left his Mama and her braids and went to meet his neighbor. They were behind some fairly large boulders. Behind and a little below. Laughing as one waved the toilet paper. They were startled to hear crashing sounds Suddenly a hugh buck lept through the brush They caught a quick flash of his magnificaent rack at the peak of his leap. At that instant, an arrow transfixed the buck right behind his shoulder, sinking deep with a great thud. The buck crashed to the ground, actually pushed sideways a bit by the force of the strike. The two men jumped as a single creature on the buck as he thrashed. |
At that moment, a phone rang … As I woke up, looking around, I reached |
It was Dave. Sitting up I asked "Oh Hi Dave." "What |
"Oh, I don’t know, |
"Had |
They’re |
"Still |
Oh |
"Huh, so how are you doing? |
"Oh yeah, I got another |
"Cool, so whats up. " |
"Oh nothing much just called to wish you |
"Hey, Happy New Year man good |
"Talk to you later, |
"bye." |
Nothing Dear, just kidding.
Jo Hendricks-Jansen, an admirably creative and intelligent lady, has her tutorials up again at TheEccentricGnat which is a distinct boon to those of us who lack her organizational skills.
As for me, I’m extremely frustrated! I’ve been using NV|U since it came out and for a time substantial progress was made at improving it. The CSS editor, CaScadeS, OTOH, I’ve come to believe should be discarded and a fresh start made.
This may seem harsh but nothing’s been done to make it usable for quite some time. I am unable to make the damn thing work Pecularly, the style changes appear visably in the normal view, but but the style code doesn’t appear in the source view, and when you browse the created page, don’t show.
This is a ridiculous situation. Apparently no-ones working on it at all.
I’ve been refering to Jo’s tutorials as well as The 15 minute Guide to CaScadeS and everything else I can find but it hasn’t worked yet.
I’ll update this when I find out more.
So I picked up a small job adding some buttons to a form to calculate area and display the result in dollars and cents.
OK, no big deal.
Just as I was finishing, monitor dies in the middle of an editing session.
DSL provider (new) tells me I have to activate NOW or I’m in danger of losing $200. Do not pass go.
Can’t shut down computer or the Wiki AntiSpamBot won’t.
Mail client gives up and won’t send mail???
Apparently I’ve developed "Mouse Shoulder" because the KB is too high.
Forgot about Thanksgiving coming up, oops, guess I’ll miss some time. Oh well, I can still get some time in on it.
The oven, after working perfectly the night before, decides it’s going to stay on all the time.
I buy an oven thermometer and spend 4 hours manually cycleing the oven on and off to control the heat. No programming.
I’m not sure but I think I program best drunk.
Problem is I haven’t been getting drunk, and I haven’t programmed shit.
Oh Well.
One of my friends…
Has a new job. Same company, but now he gets all the blame. Ha Ha.
I’ve had to add a term to the RegEx every two weeks or so. Just got "Mastering Regular Expressions" I haven’t tried to implement the Moin expressions.
One) want to minimise the bandwidth. Thus, run faster, thus be a RealProgrammer, thus be Hated and Reviled. Oh Well.
Two) Haven’t figured out how yet. ROFLMAO!
More humor from Jaffy
I’ll have to think a bit before the next post here.
Ok. Finished.
Nitey Nitey
Wake up, its 9:00 am here. I already went jogging. Is this your website too? Should I download the programs that you said also? I don’t know how to get to my cgi-bin without going through filezilla, will they go there by themselves? I’m bored, I guess I should go work on the "database". Wake up!!! Patti |
![]() Had a little too much coffee this Ha Ha, I’m |
Several things of interest:
My kind of place.
Well, sorta, they are a little arrogant, but then who isn’t.
I thought it was really funny to read the horrible corrections to terrible code though.
I sort of fell into this topic when I answered a question in the NV|U form for a lady who wanted to use a form she had created.
I ended up:
Had a lot of fun though. Created a whole topic on the NV|U Wiki in The Netherlands on "How-to-do-it".
It’s Sunday, I’m going to quit and just fuck off for a while now.
Jusuz! wat a day!
Still working on the Spamthingie - got a little sidetracked today- all in a good cause.
I needed to check out exactly how cgi-bin was going to like my ‘Bot scripts.
I started - just implement responding to a form.
Whoh! gotta have a server running.
ok set up M$ IIs - sucked, didn’t work, - but I know it does if you get all the permissions and paths right.
So anyway I’m hacking away and getting no where.
BlueHairDave dropped in.
Damn- I can’t find his pic from when we were at controlnet.
This old story about Vickie though.
Here goddamitt! Vickie!
said "that shit’s not worth fucking with.
I gave him the seat and stepped aside.
He deleted the M$ crap, and installed another server, in about the time I’m taking to type this.
(God I hate these fucking kids, I remember having it together! but thats another story.)
So, any way, in between times, I managed to do a new version of the PhpAntiSpamBot and started debugging.
not running yet but built to plan this time.
When this works I’ll gain 2X speed, 1/10 the bandwidth use.
Cool huh?
So I’m still hacking at getting the example form & example cgi working.
I think I’ll have some wine and kick back for a while.
Hi Ya, Baby
Mean Roy’s back
I Suffered briefly,
from a Soft Attack,
I’ll make my heart,
just cold and hard,
Won’t be no friends
In my back yard.
Copyright 1997, Roy Kelsey.
I’ve been using N|VU for an html editor since 0.?, it’s come a long way since then and I really like it.
Of course, I should talk, I hide my webcam shots if I can. Too embarrasing.
Just for shits and grins:
This is starting to piss me off, REALLY! I can’t even paste a link into this POS blog but I can drag the link or text..
Only the first few listed here, see Jaffy for more
Being an Evil Overlord seems to be a good career choice. It pays well, there are all sorts of perks and you can set your own hours. However every Evil Overlord I’ve read about in books or seen in movies invariably gets overthrown and destroyed in the end. I’ve noticed that no matter whether they are barbarian lords, deranged wizards, mad scientists or alien invaders, they always seem to make the same basic mistakes every single time. With that in mind, allow me to present…
This has got to be the most awkward blog to access or configure that exists on the web.
This Host has a fair no. of good points but this ain’t one!
I’ve been looking around for a place to consolidate some of my thoughts.
This is not going to be it.
I’ll install my own, thank you very much.
I guess I’ll put links here to various topics.
But it’s "Free".
And in this case you get what you pay for. If you’re lucky.
I just installed a Wiki to back up Corner-Carvers. Pretty nice, did it all in 1 12hr session.
(all day)
So here’s the blog, after I had to call support and get my first try deleted.
Now if I just had something to say…